Sunday, 19 February 2012


Exercise #1: A client is opening up a new Sudanese Restaurant in Wagga Wagga. You have been tasked with the job of naming the restaurant and designing their logo which will appear on the shopfront. The owner doesn't speak english and is relying on you to come up with an appropriate solution without her input.

  •  List all of the questions you would like to ask the client on your blog

  • Create a name for the business

  • Design a suitable logo

  • Firstly we must create the design brief by asking various relevant questions. 
    We already know that it's a restaurant specializing on sudanese food.

    Further questions we could ask include:

    -Who are the target customers? (family restaurant? would it be a lounge type restaurant with alchohol? what will be the atmosphere of the restaurant?)
    -If possible acquiring some pictures of the restaurants(or potential design of the restaurant) may help the designer create a logo that fits with the overall feel of the restaurant.
    -Ask the clients what kind of look they're going for... for example would the name be in sudanese? are the any examples of the type of look they're trying to achieve? 
    - Where would the logo used? (shopfront, business card... etc)
    -When the deadline of the project is.
    -What the budget of the project is.

    Business names... perhaps something in sudanese such as 'as-Salam Alaykum' which means 'good day'' 
    perhaps a name of a city, for example khartom, kordofan or Blue nile.

    For the class excerise, Hot house is chosen and so Hot house will be used for the logo design. 

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